Friday, March 7, 2025

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a recovering HWH. It's time that we break our habit and start on the road to recovery.

To clarify my "label", HWHs are folks who keep one sock, of a pair, when they have lost the other. We keep the lids of plastic containers, when we have misplaced the bottoms (and vice versa). We keep half of a pair of gloves, when we are pretty sure we dropped the other one in the grocery store parking lot. It's dumb. One earring, ladies? The other one is gone...really gone.

These half-items are fairly useless and they take up space. Just today, I tossed a whole drawer full of plastic take-out containers.....bottoms and lids. I saved the only two I found, that matched, for future use. It felt so good. I won't miss them. I have decent number of reusable, and store-able glass containers, to use for left-over containers. I'm quitting cold-turkey.

But, while I am at it, I think I will toss a few un-used, "where did they come from", charger/appliance  cords. These snakey things seem to appear out of nowhere.  We have a couple drawers full of them. They belong to old phones, razors, clocks, tape recorders, radios, etc. Those items are long gone......why do we need to keep the cords? It's a rare cord that can be reused in another item.

To purge is to live a better life. 

Trust me, HWHs of the world, ........less is more.


Lord, we are abundantly blessed. Remind us to use our gifts with humility and grace. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for the most part, computer and cell phone savvy. We use these things daily. Why then, do I continue to be stumped, baffled and chagrined by these damn things?

For two months now, I have been worried about my "digital" membership card, to a local museum. I have been a loyal member of this group for years. They always send me a physical, plastic card to show at their underground parking facility, for free admission. The card also gives me some shopping and dining perks at the museum. This year, the card is something called a "digital membership app". I cannot figure out how to download the thing, on my phone.

Then, last night, I got a message from the garage door clinic. You know what I am talking about ladies. The Mammogram Place, where they insist on electronically lowering a garage door on your female anatomy, once a year, for your pleasure! 

To continue. They sent me a set of forms, to fill out on my computer, including a "sign with your finger" page, which I finished without a hitch. My screen eventually informed me, that the forms were complete and accepted by the sender. At this point, I looked for something that would tell me just when my appointment would occur. I needed to know the date and time! Nowhere, on any screen, was this information to be found.

Next, I sent them an email, asking them to send the appointment information, that I NEEDED. By return mail, I was told that I must request, by email, a "secret number code" to apply, for the phone app, that I should use to get the time and date. Phooey!!! No way!

This morning, at 8:05 a.m., I physically used my cell phone to call the clinic. In 3 minutes, by giving her my name and birth date, the pleasant young lady answered my questions. No fuss, no frustration, no secret code, no delete key. 

Mission accomplished.


 Dear Lord. Everyday life is not easy. We find that we are often frustrated by the "easy things." Grant us patience, courage and wisdom to survive. Teach us acceptance. Show us how to focus on your Grace. We ask these things in your Holy Name.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...