Wednesday, January 25, 2023

"I've been everywhere, man." TWO

 I'm thinking about a Doctor Seuss book today. No, it's not Horton Hears a Who, even though most of you know, due to my deafness, "What" is my favorite word! As I reflect, on the places I have been this past year, I'm remembering words, from,  Oh The Places You'll Go.  

A couple of my voyages, have been solo, but I have also traveled with old friends. I've visited relatives, stayed with friends and met amazing new people. I've returned to my birthplace and even seen a new country. My trips have utilized trains, planes, vans and automobiles.  I've seen two oceans, mountains, skyscrapers and grassy huts. My life had been expanded by new experiences.

Everyplace I went, I had a wonderful time. My travels have been a blessing. I'm keeping my bags packed. I want more.

"You're off to Great Places!

Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting.

So...get on your way!"

Saturday, January 21, 2023

New Ventures

 I have discovered the best way to start a brand new year.  You have to try something absolutely new. Travel. Experience a totally different culture, eat something you have never tasted before, attempt to communicate in a new language and reflect on the possibilities of what may lie ahead. Any or all of those things are the answer to a better life.

Two weeks ago, my biggest worry was "how can I cope when MODot shuts down the Broadway Bridge?" ( A scheduled March activity). Now, I'm thinking, so go ahead, Highway Hackers!! It's only one bridge. There are 4 more and I know where I am headed, once I get across the river. Egad, it's not as if I have to swim the Missouri River!

I need to redirect my priorities. Quit worrying so much and focus on being the best person, I can be, for myself, my family and my friends. Life is way too short! It doesn't do any good to concentrate on what has happened or what might happen....fears are negative. Fear never solved anything or changed very much. From now on, I'm going to focus on the good possibilities. Just like Balsamic Vinegar or really good Chocolate, it's going to change my life.

Dear Lord. Thank you for the Hope that You give us. Open our eyes, to the best of life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Truth.

 A lot of words have been written about honesty. I think the adage, "Honesty is the best policy", is the best advice, that anyone can give. Recently, I read a quote that said, sort of, "When you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said." Very thought provoking.

And, although I do not think of myself as an untruthful person, there is one big lie, that I have been telling. Okay, maybe two. I don't think the weight on my driver's license is correct. If a policeperson should ask for my photo ID, there will be a pause, followed by hysterical laughter.

My most serious lie, which I recently corrected, has been highly visible. I'm telling the truth, when I say that I had not changed my picture on Facebook, in well, let's say it was my original photo, from way back when. In my defense, it was a good picture, and it was me, 15 years ago!

So now, check it out, my new photo is current. It was taken last month. It's truthful, but not youthful. There you go...and that's the truth.

Dear Lord. We can't hide anything from You. You are all wise and all knowing. We praise Your Holy Name.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Happy New Year

 To quote a line from one of Irving Berlin's, holiday songs, "I've been ringing the New Year in.", this week. But, before I did that, I made a few spectacular "old year" memories. It is an understatement, to say that my life has had some deep, dark moments, in the past year, but I have rallied and ended 2022 with a resounding bang! 

Here's a list of just a few of my "end-of-the-year" remembrys.  (Yes, I am aware that is not a word, but it should be!)

#1. A Christmas, that includes small children, is very loud. But, the anticipation and joy of Christmas morning, is well worth the break in my normally quiet existence.

#2. Rediscovering an oldie, but a goodie. For a good time, pull up a video of Groucho Marx singing, "Lydia the Tattooed Lady". And if you can't decipher the lyric, Google it, and get ready to laugh, blush and enjoy. I'm generally not a fan of Ink, but OMGolly, I might request this tune at my funeral!

#3. Discovering that my adult daughter is not the only person, in my life, who can begin to laugh, and in a matter of seconds, be reduced to sobbing. Her brothers and I have witnessed this phenomena, since their childhoods, but now, it seems, her daughter does it too. My thought is, that although it is a little weird to witness, it is an excellent release of stored-up emotion, that most of us couldn't do, if we tried. I think it's very healthy!!!!

#4. Solo Travel is an adventure. Red Caps, for Amtrak, are worth their weight in GOLD. For assistance and information, during busy holiday travel, they can't be beat. Why can't air travel, be improved with such help, or in the least, can they hire folks that speak plainly and slowly, on or off their PA systems? Although, one TSA guy did tell me "you can't be 75." I guess, that was worth the hassle of everything else!

Dear's hoping your New Year is the best yet. Stay safe and keep moving forward.

Lord: We thank you for our many, many blessings. Help us to focus, not on ourselves, but others. Help us to enjoy the present and look towards the future.

"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...