Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ch Ch Ch Changes.

I never thought I would:

  • Count the number of rolls of toilet paper, in our bathroom closet, and try to calculate how long they will last.
  • Find empty shelves in an American supermarket, when a snowstorm was not in the immediate weather forecast.
  • Not be able to see and play with our grand-girls, weekly.
  • Buy flour, cake mixes, milk, bread, baking soda and frozen food at any grocery store.
  • Go sit down inside any restaurant. restaurant or public library.
  • Watch a 10 year old sports event, on television, like it was happening today!
  • Buy gas at prices we haven't seen in a couple of decades.
I miss all of the things I took for granted. God, please help me to remember how blessed my life has been. And, how blessed I continue to be. Remind me to count those blessings.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Mikey Approved.

In my (not so humble) opinion there isn't much of anything worth watching on television, these days.  Because of the Coronovirus Lockdown, there are no live sporting events to see. Good Lord, I flipped by an Ali fight, the other day! How many decades old was that show? There are no new series episodes to watch and all of the live shows are being made from broadcaster's living rooms. I'm stuck in my own living room. I don't want to see anymore sofas. In fact, I think the only shows worth watching are the tremendously popular Hallmark movies.
At this point, I have seen most of the Christmas movies (and there are dozens), at least twice, but there are some of the Mysteries that are new to me. If you are not yet familiar with Hallmark productions, let me assure you "if you try them, you'll like them." Watch a few and you will soon learn why they are so popular.
Familiarity breeds contentment.
The plots are all Hallmark Productions are similar. Couples meet. Get to know each other. Fall in love. A misunderstanding happens. They split up. They get back together. They kiss. The End. In the Christmas themed movies there is always a lot of snow, Christmas trees, ornaments (Hallmark is the sponsor, after all.) and hot chocolate.
In the mysteries, there is no blood or gore, just a dead body or two per episode. The mystery always gets solved, the heroine never gets killed and the bad folks are generally captured alive! Most of the time, there is, yet again, a closing kiss.
The acting is good, maybe not Oscar or Emmy Award winning, but okay.
They are entertaining. I'm a fan.

Dear Lord. We are impatient.
We need to have Faith. You are our Constant, our Hope in time of trouble.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Early Years

After nearly seven years, at the same Harry Potter desk (it's located under a staircase), I have enough material to write a really long, and very detailed book about working in a retirement community.
One of the first chapters, will be recounting the particularly quirky mishaps, that occurred when we opened this remarkably beautiful building.
First of all, no one in our area had seen such a stunning building, built for the specific use of our older population. Everyone who entered kept remarking how gorgeous and classy everything looked. We were very proud.
However, there were a few glitches. We had opened the building without a finished kitchen.And in order to meet the dietary needs of our residents, our chef prepared breakfast and lunch for them every day. In the evening, food was carried in, from area restaurants. The restaurant of choice was the Corner Cafe, a local comfort-food place. I became a regular, with my pick-up orders. The cafe staff began to call me by name, and I became the "chuck-wagon" lady, to our residents.
At the same time, several parts of the building were still getting their finishing touches. While sitting at the main floor reception desk, one morning, I heard a burst of profanity and a loud bang, from the floor above. I looked upward, just in time, to see the light fixture above my head start to fill with water. Thinking that the possibility of electrocution was imminent, I hesitated only a moment, jumped up and away from the floating puddle and switched off the light. Immediately, the plastic fixture came loose from the ceiling and what seemed like a bathtub amount of water, dumped on my formerly occupied chair.
I escaped harm. A workman had accidentally broken the water pipe, that fed the Jacuzzi tub, in the 2nd floor, work-out room. He was fine, we mopped up a lot of water and we all had a great story to tell.
It was proving to be a job of a lifetime!

God is good. We are blessed.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...