Thursday, September 26, 2019

Daisy, Daisy....

My hometown is small. Not tiny, but small. On an extremely traffic congested day, it would take a person about 8 minutes, to drive from one end of town to the other end. As with most mid western burgs, the town is laid out in a simple grid. One main, four lane North/South street, and one main East/West street intersect, in the middle of town. Those two streets are the most congested in town. Sometimes, there will actually be two or three cars waiting for the light to change from red to green. Stop signs are present, at most other intersections.
In the 1960's the population was around 20,000. Today, according to an Internet source, the population of Pittsburg, Kansas, stands at less than 21,000.
Now that you have that information, I would like to tell you about the new addition to the traffic pattern, of this small town. Ruling powers have recently bestowed, upon the citizens of Pittsburg, bicycle lanes on the main avenues. What for, I question?
Back in the 1960s, my friends and I rode all over town and we didn't need bike lanes. As far as I know, none of us ever had a major accident. My mother, and all the other moms said, "Keep off the main drag." we did and we rode everywhere. We never even thought to ask her to drive us to the movies or the Municipal Pool. She wouldn't have done it anyway.
Kids are not allowed the freedom of riding all over town, today. Just occasionally, do I observe a child on a bicycle. Parents will tell you that it is too dangerous. That's unfortunate. I believe that most of us learned the basics of automobile driving, while riding a bike.
Maybe, on my next trip to Pittsburg, I will spot lots of folks on those new bike lanes. Let's hope it is a positive municipal improvement.

Dear Lord, Keep us safe from our many faults and errors. Watch over us today.

Friday, September 13, 2019


In my present job, I answer the phone all day long. In the process of doing so, I rarely fail to identify myself. Doing so is just common courtesy.
I say, to each and every caller, "This is Nancy. How may I help you?"
The logical reply should be, "This is "identify ones self" and then perhaps say, "I would like to speak to  whatever or whomever". Oh, no. Almost never happens.
So, my next inquiry is....,"May I ask who's calling?" Sometimes the caller will tell me, sometimes not. And, often as not. my callers can't name the party with whom they wish to speak!
So, why do you need to know about all of this? Because, today I got a new phone.
Well, its not exactly new. But, it's like a new, used car. It's new to me. I have dozens of buttons and they can all light up. Those buttons, believe it or not, are bound to make my life easier. My new phone is a blessing.
Life is full of great blessings and small ones. We should appreciate all of them.

Oh Lord. We are never Thankful enough for our many blessings. Don't give up on us. We are a work in progress.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Last, but not least.

I'm working on my Self-Control, these days. For those of you, who might have forgotten, Self-Control is the last of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
The problem is ....Sometimes, I find it extremely hard to keep to keep my mouth shut. Just the other day someone reported that his TV kept playing the same program over and over. My smart mouth first inclination was to suggest that he switch channels. But, my Self Control prevailed. I suggested, instead, that he unplug his set from either the wall or the cable box, wait a few minutes  and plug it back in.  That action would reset his modem and his set just might work. Lo and behold, magic!
Biting my tongue sometimes helps. Using a Roll-a-tor Walker, as a wheelchair, is extremely dangerous and strictly forbidden by both our facility and the manufacturer of the device. Yet, every once in a while I will look up and see someone rolling himself down the hall, backwards of course, seated on his walker. Rather than say something smart about how stupid it is to pull such a stunt, and remind the culprit that a walker means WALK...not RIDE, I usually confront the individual and point out the sign  ON the walker that says, DO NOT USE AS A CHAIR WHILE MOVING. Then, I will offer to put the culprit in a wheel chair and give them a free ride to wherever they are headed. Most of the time they refuse to do what I suggest, yet I smile and let them roll on. I cannot save everyone, from themselves.
Most everyone I know has difficulty hearing. Many people have purchased hearing aids. They are very expensive (I know) and they are generally effective. However, they don't work in your ears...if you leave them on your bathroom counter. At least once a day I want to yell (because they can't hear normal speech) that at someone. But, I never do.
Other times my mouth just opens and my brain disengages. I'm still a work in progress.

Dear Lord. Forgive my mouth.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Chapter 2 of Ma Bell

Last month I wrote about trouble on our land phone line. Eventually we did have a return of service, and in spite of a distinct buzz on the line, we have had phone service at home for several weeks..
Last week, my husband decided to contact the phone company and see if they would fix the annoying buzz.
We were amazed and thrilled that they sent someone out, several days later, and the repairman could, himself, actually hear the buzz on his end of the phone line. He did the best he could to fix the issue, but felt that we needed a completely new line, from the house to the pole. (The 20th Century is still alive an well in the Heartland. The only underground utility we have, is the sewer.)
Later that same day, we received a survey call, regarding our "recent service call." " On a scale of One to Five, with Five being the highest, how would you rate your recent service call ?", and so on and so forth. I was conflicted. How do you rate a nice friendly young man, who came and tried to fix the phone.. 5, but didn't...0. Would that be a 2 or 3?
Life is like that, isn't it? We are often asked to rate this or that, and 1 to 5, just doesn't really do it. Real life cannot be categorized as a number between 1 and 5.
That said, please have a number 5 day!

Dear Lord, we are so grateful for our many blessings. Show us how to be less judgmental. Help us to always seek out the bright side of life


 The New Year presents itself as an opportunity to make personal improvement. Since, I've always considered myself similar to Mary Poppp...