Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Four Letter Word

THEY said. THEY did.  THEY have. THEY wanted you to know. They, they, they.
The Word THEY, is at the top of my loathsome word list. It is really one of my least favorite words.
THEY is the best way to accuse, attribute, attempt to prove and pass on gossip.
When a person comes to me and says, "THEY said ...........", the first thing I ask is. "Who is THEY?"
It's a rare day, when the person, telling me a THEY STORY, will put a name to the "they."
THEY is the best word to use, when you don't want to name your assailant!
I have a man who comes to my desk, quite often, and tells me that THEY told him his package/letter would be delivered this very day. Often it is not delivered.
So, THEY were wrong! Don't believe "THEY". THEY do not know what they are talking about.

Dear all knowing, Lord. You are all knowing and all powerful. Help us in our unbelief. We praise your Holy Name.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


BTW, for all my BFFs out there in email and texting land, please remember that I am over 70 years old and all of  your acronyms are making me LOL. Medical personnel, such as the RNs, LPNs, and their assistants, our CNAs, and CMTs, use them most often. They are always taking BPs and vitals. Occasionally, they will discover a resident with a UTI or other treatable illness and off to the ER, we send them.  Yesterday, I received a forwarded email from the visiting MDS expert.Hopefully, no one's life or well-being depends on my rapid response, because I didn't understand a word of it. It was full of terms identified as NOMMC, Nursing RUG, SNFABN and SOT. I am familiar with the term SOL, but not SOT. Well, that's not exactly true. I do know the crossword definition of sot.)
Later today, if we have an emergency, we will be visited by a group of EMTs in their ERV. The firemen arrive in a red fire truck. (That, I can understand.)
Once a week, an MD or perhaps he is a DO, comes to our facility. If he is unable to come, then a FNP comes in his place, to see our residents requiring medical attention.
For REHAB, we have OTs and PTs, to assist residents toward recovery.
All of these acronyms make my head swim, as I ROFL.
Who says I have to understand what I'm doing?

Dear Lord. Keep an eye on us as we age. We're doing our best, but sometimes it isn't quite enough.
Your steadfast love endures forever.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


I have a 2019 Calendar that features a "word" of the month.  The 12 words are meant to inspire and furnish food for thought. Last month, the word was Community.
This month's word is DETERMINATION, therefore, my thoughts have been centering around that particular word.  I believe that determination in our lives is pretty darn important. Determination helps us get things done. Without determination we would accomplish very little.
Let me say, that my goal this year is to focus on determination, and to concentrate on what I intend to get done. But, not everyone feels that way.
I know of three quotes that speak to this goal. The first is attributed to Yogi Berra, the great Baseball Philosopher. He said, "If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else." (think about it.)
The second quote comes from Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland. .
 He wrote, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."(More food for thought.)
And, the third is biblical, Revelation 3:16. "So because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Have conviction.)
Determination. Know what your goal is and stick to it. Don't waver. Get a move on! Git 'er done!

Good God; I want to do the best I can, at all times. Help me to keep my eye on the prize. This I ask in Your Holy Name.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Flip and flop

Let me make you aware of this, right from the start of this post. I'm not feeling quite up to par today. Normally, I have very few aches and pains, considering my age.
However today, my shoulder hurts, just a little bit, but not enough to slow me down, too much. There could be two reasons for this malady.
Yesterday, I flipped the mattress on our bed. It's a queen mattress, way to big and awkward for a short old lady to maneuver. I yanked and I tugged, and I got it done. Afterward, my left shoulder was pretty achy.
Then, around four p.m., I decided to go outdoors to check to see if the postal person had left us any mail. Our mailbox is located about 75 feet from our door, and across a paved lane, uphill all the way. We had an ice storm last week which left a thin sheet of ice on everything in site, and due to the cold weather, that sheet has refused to go away.
To make this story a short one, I went down, hands first, flop onto the driveway. The good news, I only hurt my pride and maybe my shoulder, a bit. Thank the Lord, that I landed on my softest stomach.
The mail is still in the box. I am afraid to venture outside. I have considered driving the car to the mailbox, but that's not really necessary. The mail can wait.

Dear God. I am blessed. In spite of my stupidity, You watch over me. Thank you.


Friday, February 8, 2019

No,no, a thousand times no!

Do any of us actually listen to what comes out of our mouths? I ask this, because I am convinced that no one does. I believe this because, not a single day goes by without some otherwise intelligent person saying to me, the ultimate inane phrase, "You've got to be kidding."
Now, I am not the type of person that "kids" when I am working. My job is information and customer service, not comedy. So, if I say it is minus 4 degrees outside, that is what the thermometer reads. And, if I say Bingo is cancelled.......I am not kidding! Therefore, when I report that the mail did not come until after seven last night, I mean it. Trust me, I am telling the truth. People depend upon me to give them correct answers, and I always attempt to do just that.
So folks, ask away. I love questions. Questions are wonderful. But when I give you an answer........
I am definitely NOT KIDDING!

Dear God. Give me patience and the power to continue to listen and respond positively. Show me how to be kind and caring. Make me more like You. I ask these things, in Your Holy Name.

"Her name was McGill. She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as ............"

 I consider myself fairly techno-literate. Most senior citizens are. And, although we learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona, we are, for ...