Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gone in a few seconds.......

I have a one-block friend. She boards the Metro at 10th and Grand, and I disembark the Metro, one block later, at 11th and Grand. Nearly every week-day, we share just one block of travel time.
I've already been riding for 10 minutes, when she boards the #30 bus. Then, I think, she continues her commute along the southerly path of the #30. After that one block along Grand Avenue, I get off the #30, and walk a block West to make a connection with the northbound #142, at 11th and Walnut.
Every afternoon, I look forward to seeing her and I know the bus driver does, too. My friend makes it a point to greet the driver every day with a smile and what seems to be a heartfelt inquiry about the state of his day. That extra bit of personal interaction shows me that my one-block friend is really special.
I'll bet she just makes our driver's day. I know she makes mine.
Then, she sits down and greets me. It's obvious that she is tired. I don't know what she does at her job, but it must be hard work. I always return her greeting and generally we exchange short comments about the weather or how our work days went.
There isn't much time, in one block, to say much.
I don't know her name, but I know that I miss her when she doesn't board at her usual stop.
Maybe, one day soon, I'll just travel along with her in the wrong direction of my commute, just to get to know her a little better. Friendly people are a very special blessing, these days.

Gracious Lord: I want to be a better person. Sometimes it isn't easy to look outside our own worries and problems in order to be a friend and confidant of others. Teach me to be a better friend to all with whom I come in contact. Take away my whining nature and allow me to concentrate on the all times.
Come into my life and show me how to see YOU in everyone I meet.
I am so blessed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"I once was lost......"

I lost my cell phone. Usually I keep my phone in a red (my signature color) pocket thing around my neck. It's where I also keep my bus pass and a couple of business cards. Being a tad deaf, it's the perfect place (near my heart and good ear) to hear the thing when it rings or shakes or whatever it does.
Well, in a effort to spruce up a bit, I put away the pocket thing and exchanged in for a pretty new necklace. The look was quite stunning.
The phone went in my right front pocket. And, then it was gone.
On the advice of several folks, I tried calling my own number. It went right to voice mail which meant the phone was turned off or the battery was dead. Great. Now what??? Where was that thing???? I needed it.
Four days later, it was time to do the laundry and there was my phone, in the hamper. No, it didn't go through the wash. It was recovered just in time.

God: Thank you for loving us no matter what kind of stupid things we do. We know that you accept us for the crazy creatures that we are. Keep me mindful that the best type of communication is prayer from me to YOU.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wait a second....

It's very dark when I travel to work. Yesterday, I encountered a young African-American man, on a black skateboard, dressed totally in black, traveling toward me, on my right. Needless to say, my heart stopped when I saw him and thankfully, I passed by without hitting him.
That experience made me think about how often we encounter situations that would be life changing.
What if I had hit that young man? Oh my, how lives would have been changed. Think about it. Life is so precious and our plans and aspirations can change in an instant.

Dear God: Has anyone talked to you lately about how challenging life here on earth is? I am in awe of the choices and encounters that we all have, minute by minute.
Thank you for our exciting existance. It's just not possible to be bored here on earth, your glorious creation.
Help me to be ever mindful of my blessings.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...