Sunday, July 24, 2011

"Back of my neck is dirty and gritty"

Well, it's really hot. It's late July, and if this city has experienced a hotter summer in recent years, I can't remember it. Everyone is talking about the weather. One Facebook Group, that I belong to, has been responding to a continuing "When is it going to cool down?" thread, for over a week.
In the past two weeks, our home AC AND my car AC have both needed repair work. Thankfully, both of those machines are up and running. Bless the inventors of air conditioning. We do have relief from the blistering sunshine.
And, of course, although we cannot seem to talk of anything else, it's just talk. We can't do a darn thing about the weather. We cannot control the weather.....just the temperature.
So, sit down, relax and cool off, inside. Winter will be here before we know it.

Good God. All kinds of weather makes life so interesting. Some of us like hot weather, others prefer the cold. Your world is amazing. Help me to focus on things that I can change. I need to relax and leave the weather to YOU.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Question Is???????

I had the opportunity all this week to teach English to some recent immigrants to the United States. Yesterday, we were cruising right along with our lesson, when we reached a major roadblock. Six blank stares...and their under-trained teacher terrified over just what to do next.
Just then, something from back in my grade school days came bubbling up into my small brain. I recalled a teacher saying "all questions begin with the same 5 or 6 words." Could that be true in all languages?
So, we began talking about WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY,and How (much)? My four Spanish speaking students responded immediately. Que, Quien, Cuando, Donde and Porque? The Sudanese(Arabic)student understood and responded accordingly. The Eritrean (some language that begins with a T) student got it, also.
My lesson was successful. What a breakthrough for all seven of us.

All Knowing God. Not a day goes by when we do not experience your help and guidance.
Help us to recognize your presence. You are all-powerful and all-knowing. We are your children and we need your help. We can't do this life on our own. Stand beside us.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


It is possible to learn many things from a cross country car trip. Most people prefer to make long trips by airplane these days, but pat-downs and extra baggage costs are not on my list of favorite travel moments.
Traveling by car, offers unique and varied experiences. The brochures at State Highway Rest Stops (well everyone has to rest)fascinate me. I want to look at every one. Those leaflets make me realize that there is still so many things I want to see in this country. And, Rest Stops generally give away maps. Checking out the names of cities and towns, rivers and streams, lakes and colleges can keep me occupied for hours. Did you know that most of our 50 states have a town or city with the name Springfield?
Then, of course, there are the "what the heck was that" moments which always occur on a road trip. Something catches your eye, as you travel past it. And, you wonder if you really saw what you thought you saw.
Driving through Princeton, New Jersey, I saw a sign emblazoned with the word Drumthwacket. What????? I figured it was likely an Indian word. New Jersey has a bunch of those. But, I was stumped. Who or what is a Drumthwacket?
Thanks to the miracle of the Internet, I discovered that Drumthwacket is the residence of New Jersey's Governor. The land was once owned by William Penn, founder of the Pennsylvania Colony. It was also the site of a Revolutionary War Battle. New Jersey purchased it in the 1960's, and after a massive renovation in the 1980's, it became the Governor's Mansion.

Wondrous Lord. I am thankful for this amazing country. I stand in awe of all that you have created. Help me to keep my eyes and heart open to your glorious world.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...