Thursday, February 24, 2011


In my workplace the use of Acronyms is rampant. Employees toss them back and forth like baseballs. Unfortunately, being the new kid on the block,I have no idea what the acronyms stand for or what they mean. I am like a alien in a foreign land.
But, this is a good thing. Since my workplace deals with speakers of languages other than English, my ignorance of these specific acronyms makes it easy for me to identify with the students. They can't understand my language, and I can't understand the language of the teachers. We are almost always in a blissful state of total confusion.
However, I have found that a smile, kindness, and a hearty laugh can go a long way in inter-cultural relations. Did you know that the signal for craziness is nearly universal? Just twirl your hand around the side of your head and everyone understands.

Lord of All, help us to focus on the sameness of your great variety of people. We are
alike in so many ways. The differences that we see are in our eyes only.
Help us to celebrate and embrace our fellow life travelers as our brothers and sisters.
We want to follow where you lead us.

BTW....Keep It Saucy Sister

Monday, February 14, 2011

We Have Gas

I know this is usually an indelicate subject, but I have to let you know that we have gas. A big old gas leak.
Yesterday, our kids came over for a quick visit and they let us know that they smelled gas when they came in the house. So, this morning I called the local gas company and reported the smell. Now, if this happens to you, report it immediately do not wait for 12 hours, because the gas people will come right out. They work weekends. They do not want you to wait to report an odor. In fact they are down right nasty about procrastination.
The gas folks found a leak, right at our door. (Smart children, or at least they have smart noses)The gas investigators turned off our gas service, right away. So tonight we have no heat or hot water.
Next, I followed the advice of the gas people and called a plumber. Who knew gas line repair was done by a plumber?
The plumber told us he will have to redo our entire line from the meter to the furnace. We have "illegal entry", it seems, and we have to get up to code. It will cost a bundle, but it will be finished tomorrow night.
Thankfully, we are having a warmish spell in our otherwise brutal winter.
Oh, well. Sometimes life hands you a bunch of raisins when you are expecting grapes.
We are alive and well and we are not going to be blowing up anytime soon.

Holy God. It is so great to be alive. Our lives have ups and downs and ins and outs, but we know that you are there with us every step of the way. Give us courage and the ability to accept what we cannot change and guide us to make the right choices in our daily decisions.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The event we attended on Saturday, had an overall theme of "Balls". There were inflated soccer balls, baseballs, big balls and litttle balls. The room was decorated with ball shaped balloons. All of this was in honor of Leo, age one, who says one word....."Ball".
Guests at the party, held at a local pizza parlor, were his mom and dad's friends and assorted relatives. Being the paternal grandma, I knew all of the relatives.
However, it was the parents' friends that held my attention.
Our youngest son's friends, the same rug rats that wrestled in our family room twenty years ago and played monopoly until the wee hours of the morning, came to the party, toting their own little ones. I was fascinated.
A couple of the toddlers were carbon copies of their dads. Another one resembled his grandpa. Some of their personalites were reminiscent of their elders.
What a great time I had. And, what great memories seing those little ones evoked.

Lord God. Life does go on, in spite of us. Little children are so precious. Help us, as adults, to us remember our responsiblities toward them. Remind us to savor each and every minute of a lifetime, because all to soon, those babies become teenagers, then parents of their own babies.
We are blessed.

But, what if we need it?

 Attention ,all of you "half-way hoarders" out there. You know who you are. I am not the one who is judging you. I, myself, am a r...